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File Created: 24-Jul-1985 by BC Geological Survey (BCGS)
Last Edit:  09-Jun-1993 by Moira T. Smith (MTS)

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NMI 114P9,10 Zn1
Name LAWRENCE (L.955) Mining Division Atlin
BCGS Map 114P058
Status Prospect NTS Map 114P09W
Latitude 059º 35' 18'' UTM 08 (NAD 83)
Longitude 136º 29' 51'' Northing 6606519
Easting 415442
Commodities Silver, Lead, Zinc, Gold, Copper Deposit Types
Tectonic Belt Insular Terrane Alexander
Capsule Geology

The Lawrence prospect is located at the headwaters of the Klehini River. This occurrence is skarn hosted.

Devonian to Upper Triassic(?) marble, which is overlain and underlain by mica schist and micaceous quartzite, strikes 030 degrees and dips steeply northwest. The sediments are intruded by a quartz feldspar porphyry dyke and irregular foliated metadiorite sills. A wide irregular belt of epidote-quartz skarn lies southeast of the marble unit. Mineralized diopside-hedenbergite skarn occurs on the northeast contact of the quartz-feldspar porphyry dyke, and along the southeastern carbonate-clastic contact. The skarn lens adjacent to the dyke extends for 40 metres, with a width of 4.5 metres, and contains disseminated galena, sphalerite and minor chalcopyrite. Mineralization along the southeastern contact can be traced for 150 metres, and consists of disseminated galena, sphalerite and chalco- pyrite. A sample across 1.8 metres of the porphyry contact skarn assayed 246.9 grams per tonne silver, 12.2 per cent zinc and 5.3 per cent lead.

EMPR BULL *25, pp. 55-57
EMPR AR 1910-246
EMPR EXPL 1982-413,414
GSC OF 926, 2191